> Cranial Bones & The Jaw
> Neurodegenerative Disorders and Bite-Induced Cranial Trauma
> Bruxism and Temporal Bone Hypermobility in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
> Q & A
What exactly does Dr. Williams research paper suggest regarding the connection of dental conditions to neurological illness?
In a nut shell: Clenching of the teeth may be causing the bones of the skull to move enough to cause pressure waves inside the head(see Dr. Williams published study). These pressure waves would cause damage to the fluid systems inside the head as well as direct damage to the brain tissues. The wave of pressure would likely exit the skull and carry signal proteins down stream leading to changes in the veins. These changes could be comparable to the Central Venous Stenosis caused by the pressure changes seen in kidney dialysis patients. In fact, the veins in both conditions are blocked by accumulations of scar-like collagen (connective tissue), smooth muscle fibers and fibrous tissue. In CCSVI the valves are extensively damaged or malfunctioning.
It is thought that this trauma occurs primarily at night when the highest clenching pressures occur (night-time grinding or Bruxism). At night the blood flow leaving the brain follows the jugular veins instead of the vertebral veins which drain the brain when standing or sitting. This phenomenon may shed light on the association between stress, trauma and MS which, in turn, would be connected to the close relationship between stress, trauma and bruxism (or jaw clenching). It may be noted here that many MS attacks occur during sleep.
CCSVI has been shown to have an association with MS but it is not the cause.
The bones of the human skull have been thought to have a passive role in our health -that of housing our brain, cranial nerves and blood vessels. Under most circumstances the skull performs this role very well . See (Monroe Kelly Doctrine)
The Monro-Kellie hypothesis states that the cranial compartment is incompressible, and the volume inside the cranium is a fixed volume. The cranium and its constituents (blood, CSF, and brain tissue) create a state of volume equilibrium, such that any increase in volume of one of the cranial constituents must be compensated by a decrease in volume of another.[5] (From Wikipedia)
Considering the nature of the skull bones and the way they interlock like a complex 3D puzzle it is not surprising that assumptions are made that the skull acts as a single, unchanging entity.
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